crackers with Apple sauce

   The quantities are for 6 people.
Put in the bowl of the mixer 200 g and 100 g of warm water in which melted salt. Knead the ingredients to get a batter that will rise in indoor Bowl, in a warm place. After about 40 minutes, add 120 g flour, egg yolks, melted, lukewarm butter, sugar and vanilla.
Start the apparatus with the whip hook and knead until dough is smooth and somewhat elastic.
    Place to rise again, until it has doubled in volume. Meanwhile, Peel the apples, cored, privatel cut into slices and cook over very moderate, adding a drop of water: the end result will be very well cooked and dry. Then aromatizzatele and then whisk them with a large pinch of cinnamon and rum. Deflate the leavened dough on floured pastry Board working me briefly, then formed loaves that cut into small pieces (anthias).
    Fry the crackers, a few at a time, in plenty of hot oil, then put them on paper towels to drain and, before that cool, even in caster sugar. Put the applesauce in a pocket with suction and smooth, with a single operation, holed the crackers with the nozzle and farcitele.
Serve immediately, while they are still warm.


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